Video-LLaVA: Transforming Visual AI with Open-Source Power


AI Visionaries, brace yourselves! The Video-LLaVA project is here, revolutionizing how we understand images and videos. This cutting-edge project, buzzing on Hacker News, is not just another AI innovation; it’s a bold step into the future of visual content analysis. Video-LLaVA, with its Learning United Visual Representation by Alignment Before Projection, is not just tech […]

Crafting an Exponential Organization with NFTs: A Practical Guide Using Brains


In the world of Exponential Organizations (ExOs), the emphasis is on harnessing the power of advanced technology and innovation to unlock explosive growth. An integral part of this landscape is the rise of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). This unique, irreplaceable digital asset has taken the tech world by storm. Brains, a leading platform, is making strides […]